What is Building Foundation? and Explanation of foundation types.


Foundation is the substructure of the building structure. The function of load transferring to the foundation is beam transfer the load to the column then column load transfer to the foundation then the foundation transfer the load to the ground is the process of foundation load transferring to the ground.

Types of foundation:

  1. Shallow foundation
    1. Spread Footing
    2. Combined footing
    3. Strip footing
    4. Strap footing
    5. Mat or raft footing
  2. Deep foundation
    1. End bearing pile
    2. Friction pile

  1. Shallow foundation
Condition- D < B
D- depth of the foundation
B- width of the foundation 
this condition according to the Terzaghi's theory. In this law what he tells depth is less than the width is called as the shallow foundation

  • Spread Footing

The spread footing is provided to support the individual column. Some time it spread the load to the larger area so is called spread footing because of spread footing is had the individual to the column so it can efficiently transfer the load to the ground. The spread footing also have many other types that types are,
    • Centric rigid spread footing
    • Centric flexible spread footing
    • Eccentric rigid spread footing
    • Eccentric flexible spread footing

  • Combined footing

It supports two or more column because of when the two or more column is so close to the each other that the individual footing overlap.
    • Trapezoidal 
    • Rectangular
  • Trapezoidal combined footing "load is much more than the other column" for example one column (1) have 5 kN/m square another column have 3 kN/m square, in this case, the trapezoidal combined footing acting
  • Rectangular combined footing "the load is equal to each other column" in this case the rectangular combined footing will be acting.

Strip footing

The strip footing is also known as combined footing. The strip footing was used in Load bearing walls and two or more column are close to each other in that case the strip footing was applied on the structure. It is similar to the combined footing.

Strap footing

Strap footing is the "connecting the two footings by a structural strap" is called as strap footing. in this strap is acting like a beam. In this strap, we can connect different type or different size (isolated) of footing we can connect with each other. In this strap, the footing is more economical compared to the combined footing.

Mat (or) Raft foundation

Mat foundation is also called the raft foundation. The mat foundation is large size of the slab, in this case, the column is close to each other in that we use the mat foundation and its economic at this (column are close to each other). It is a large size slab will connect column one and each other. The soil has a low pressure in that case also we can use the Mat foundation. 

2. Deep foundation

Condition: D>B
D- Depth of foundation
B- Width of foundation
The deep foundation is also known as the pile foundation. here the condition of a deep foundation is "depth is greater than the width of the foundation. The foundation was depending upon the soil condition we can choose it. Pile foundation having other different types these are,
  • End bearing  pile
  • Friction pile
End bearing pile
 The pile was injected to the hard soil are then stop the pile. So here we called end bearing pile. That means the pile was injected across the soft soil and on hard soil is called end bearing pile.
Friction pile
The friction file was used as or depending upon load condition and soil condition. The footing was stopped before touch the hard soil. It carried the load by the friction between the soil and foundation


  1. Building foundation is the structural component of a building that supports and transfers the load of the building to the ground. It is the first element to be constructed in any building project and is critical to the stability and longevity of the structure. Building foundations can be categorized into shallow and deep foundations based on the depth of the foundation below the ground surface. Shallow foundations include strip foundations, raft foundations, and pad foundations, while deep foundations include piles and drilled shafts. The selection of a suitable foundation type depends on the soil conditions, building loads, and other factors that can affect the foundation's performance. I also remember that Top Civil Engineering Companies In Chennai also provides a professional service similar to this.


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