Short notes about Earhquake

What is Earthquake?

The shaking or trembling caused by the sudden release of energy. Usually associated with faulting or breaking of rocks. continuing adjustment of position results in aftershocks.
The earthquake was measured by a seismogram, the seismogram was drawn in seismograph. The scale of an earthquake is Richter magnitude scale and  This Seismogram was invented by Charles Richter. 

Explain How energy is stored in rocks?

  • Rocks bend until the strength of the rock is exceeded.
  • rupture occurs and quickly rebound to an undeformed shape.
  • energy is released in waves that radiate outward from the fault.

The Focus and Epicentre of an earthquake

Focus: The point within Earth where faulting begins is called as the focus. the focus is also known as hypocentre
Epicenter: The point directly above the focus on the surface is the epicenter
The below diagram represents the what is the epicenter and focus point here you can easily understand what is that?

Where do earthquakes occur?

  • 80% of all earthquakes occur in the circumPacific belt. most of these result from convergent margin activity. 15% occur in the Mediterranean asitic belt. remaining 5% occur in the interiors of plates and on spreading ridge centers. more than 150K earthquakes strong enough to be felt are recorded each year. 


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