building parameters standard size in inches


In here I just explain the basic or standard size of the building parameters such as a wall, lintel height., etc.,
  1. Main wall thickness - 9"
  2. partition wall -4.6" (or) 4.5"
  3. wall height - 10' (residential)
  4. wall height - 12' (commercial)
  5. parapet wall height - 3' or 3.6" (thick 9" or 4.5")
  6. door height - 7'
  7. door depth - 2"
  8. door width - 3'6" (main door)
  9. door width - 3' (single door)
  10. door width - 2'6"
  11. window sill height
  12. window height - 4' (minimum)
  13. window width - 1'6", 2', 3', 4'
  14. column dimension - 9" X9", 9"X1', 1'X1' depends on load acting as per codebook provision both same on beam, column, and slab etc., this thinks it just basic thinks to draw in AutoCAD
  15. ventilator - 2' X 1'
  16. louvers - 2' X 4'
  17. staircase
    1. raiser - 6"
    2. tread - 1' or 1'2"
    3. landing - 3'
    4. nosing - 1"
    5. staircase width just depends on usage - 3' is the minimum width


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